Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Early in the morning...

The coffee is hot but the paper is not here, so I'm taking the opportunity to check my FB page and update myself on what everyone else is doing.

Busy week as always, made even busier by w omen's soccer season starting. Two games a week for the next two months. The part I love about this soccer season vs. Men's soccer season is that we start the season in the cold and end in the hot. There is hope for all you snowbound people.

The flowering trees are budding and the days are slightly longer. This is my favorite time of year in Sacramento.

Bailey is barking, that means the paper is here. Got to run!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Wow, this must be a record!

Three posts in one day? I'm on a roll.

Let's see...I"m done with my homework for this brief period of time. I'm ignoring the dust bunnies on the floor (at least the laundry is done). The sun is shining and the dog needs a run. Perhaps I'll even get to a movie later today.

BTW--Saw Avatar last weekend, in 3D. Wow! What a movie. If you haven't seen it in 3D go see it (I mean you Mom)!

Random Stuff

This is our cat Sisko. Jessica loves to take pictures of him. As you can see, he is very cute!

These are our friends Diana and Lynda.

Tricia and Me

Me and Joe

It's a small world after all....

So, last night I'm at this Valentine's party at a friend's house. Someone says "Hey Julie, this guy is from Alaska too". How many times have I heard that? Of course they always think if you've lived in Alaska then you know everyone else that's ever lived there too. This time, however, I did know him (well, I couldn't remember him but he remembered me). We went to the same Jr. High and High School, and were in the same class. We remembered a bunch of the same people.

As I reconnect with some old friends on Facebook I'm constantly reminded that our world is shrinking. I can reach out and touch someone (sorry phone company) easier than I have ever been able to before. Love it!!