Saturday, August 6, 2011


The countdown is on. Jess and I are heading for NYC on the 24th of August, in 2 1/2 weeks. The time will fly by, I'm sure. We've been busy getting items together. Bed Bath & Beyond has this neat programs for kids going far away from home. Items are ordered at the store with one of those handy clicker things, and stored at the store location nearest the school. Great!! Some things we have to take with us, such as towels (the purple ones she really wanted are not available in NYC) and a few other miscellaneous items. She picked out some really great luggage (2 pieces only) and is *supposedly* starting the cleaning out of the black hole that is her bedroom.

Andrew came home from camp having burst blood vessels in both his eyes. He was horribly ill from a fast-moving bug running through camp. Now he looks like a vampire. I'd post a picture, but it is really creepy. Not much can be done about and the blood will be absorbed eventually. Think of it as a bruise that can be seen. Under the skin the blood pools (that's why bruises discolor) but on the eye there's no where for it to hide. Yuck!

I have one more week of summer vacation then I'm back to my high school job. Looking forward to it this year. I really am the kind of person who needs structure. Even though I really like my time off, too much of it leaves me bored.

Beautiful Saturday morning. So far this year we've only had 3 (maybe 5, can't remember what they said on the news) days of temps over 100. Our usual summer has over 20. No complaining here!!

Andrew is heading to the American River today with his troop, Joe is working on a home improvement project, and Jessica is....sleeping :) I'll probably squeeze a run in when I drop Andrew off.