Friday, May 8, 2009

Star Trek

Run, don't walk to this movie! Excellent, the best yet.


Ginger said...

Do you think that is would be ok for 12 yr old boys? They are not completely sheltered but I do try to limit their exposure. They really want to see it! Maybe you could just tell me when to cover their eyes?

I think it is awesome that you are going to be a teacher by the way!

Julie said...

12 yr old boys would love it! Lots of action. This is more tame than Star Wars Episode III. It really follows the lines of the original television series.

Two Sisters, Two Kitchens said...

Loves it!

Gail said...

Ginger, I loved this movie. THere is one scene where bras and panties are seen, but nothing more ever. It's about 15 minutes in. Frankly, it's a totally random scene and not at all important. It might be a good time to get popcorn, etc. But pretty mild compared to say, Iron Man (which we walked out of). So otherwise, we loved it. I love a great backstory. A little bit difficult at first to swallow Sylar (from Heroes) as a good guy (Spock) This is getting long. Maybe I should do a review on my blog.

Ginger said...

Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the feedback. It is really hard to find decent movies for the kids these days. We are headed to Star Trek!