Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Busy week!

The research/writing class I am taking ends this week. I have the paper written but not typed. I hate that I hand-write 20 pages, and when it's typed it comes out to 10 pages. Somehow I feel gypped. Anyway, my next 2 classes start on July 6th (I get a bit of a break) and the Biology class continues to the end of July. Needless to say I'm going to be swamped in July. But it's one fast way to get it done.

Andrew and I went to the barn last night. We only signed up or the one hour shift at Project Ride. The two lessons did not show so we ended up sweeping the barn and got to ride the horses. It was fun (and hot!). I came home and jumped in the pool just to cool off. The last volunteer shift we have scheduled is this Friday morning. We probably won't be able to go in July, and I'm hoping we can volunteer in August. We have had so much fun working with the kids. I can see the joy on Andrew's face and it makes me glad I signed us up. I truly believe that giving back reaps so much more for the giver.

I have a project to do for my Biology class. Thankfully it isn't a paper. It can be any creative thing I want, but it does have to do with something living, and I have to show a personal connection. The topic I chose is the life cycle of a salmon (personal connection?) and I'll probably do a child's book. The example she showed us looked easy to do. I am not ashamed to admit, that after 20+ years of taking college classes, I'm looking for the easy way out.

Jessica is almost done with her summer school class. At least she doesn't have any homework. She is taking A.P. Rhetoric skills to enhance her A.P. English 11 class next year. The braces come off a week from tomorrow, and the driver's license appt. is set for the middle of July. In true girl fashion, she insisted the license appt. be after the braces come off. That's my girl.

Joe told me today to not open any boxes that come. I never do that, unless they say L.L. Bean, or Land's End. It was a reminder to me that my birthday is coming up. June/July seems to be a busy time for birthday's. Stolzman tradition dictates I get to choose the restaurant we go to. Not sure what I'll do this year. We've been trying to branch out of Elk Grove and try restaurants in Sacramento instead.

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