What to do today? I have homework for both classes, but that won't take too long. It looks like some light housekeeping is in order. We'll have to make a trip to Lowe's and Home Depot to pick out tile for the laundry room. The week of the 19th both kids will be gone, which means it is a good time to pull the washer and dryer out of the laundry room to tile and paint it. The counter is old, but it's too much effort to change. Normally we would have gone some where fun (can you say California coast?), but I have to be here for my Bio class, so instead Joe has decided to re-do the laundry room. Yeah!
It is going to be 90 degrees with cloud cover today which means humidity. I've been reading the Anchorage weather and it looks beautiful. Wish I was there.
The Happiest Place On Earth will be experiencing a visit from the Stolzman's this year. That's right, we're blowing of Thanksgiving again and going to Disneyland. We leave Wed. morning and get to the hotel about oneish in the afternoon, and we're at the park by 2pm. The park stays open late each day that week. We'll go Thursday and Friday...come home Saturday morning. Saturday is when the real crowds begin. We have experience when it comes to avoiding the crowds, and we always have a game plan. The only thing we are doing different this year is having a house-sitter instead of putting Bailey in the kennel.
The King Tut exhibit is at the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park until March of 2010. If it works out we'll go when we pick Andrew up from Camp on August 2. His camp is just north of Santa Rosa, not too far from SF. If it doesn't work out then we will definitely make it some other time. The last time the exhibit was on the west coast was in LA about 6 years ago.
I guess I should mention, although I feel like I whine about it a lot...my conversation with my college counselor....
I have a choice between a half dozen math classes, two of which I'm already scheduled for, and three science classes, one of which I've already taken. I need to put one more of either on my schedule. The two science classes are onsite classes, one in LA and one in La Mesa, which are not options for me. Two of the easier math classes are not being offered before next June and the other two are HARD. So, where does that leave me? Well...I pleaded to have an independent study class for one of the sciences. I would have one month to do all the coursework, like I do now, but it would only be me. Apparently it is more difficult to get permission for this kind of program when there is already a class schedule for the month. I asked to have it in October. If they deny my request then it's back to the drawing board. I know it's not such a big thing...but I do not want to have classes in June of next year. It's the last summer before Jessica goes to college and will be our last "family" vacation opportunity. That means a lot to me.
Almost time to do the 5 miler with Joe and Bailey. Got to run.
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