Sunday, October 18, 2009

No Title Post

There is no possible way I can think of any creative title for this post! It's not like I have been SO busy all weekend that my body should be giving out...but I am bone weary. Things are probably just catching up with me.

It's dark when I wake up, and dark when I go to bed. Sometimes I feel like I live in a cave all winter. We rarely see friends because the kids school activities take up so much time, and sometimes on a Saturday I just want to curl up in my sweats and relax. Although, just this evening, Joe said to me "we should have a happy hour". Of course we should. I want to. But, I'm working thirty hours a week and going to school full time. I'm too busy to plan it and too tired to care. Before I commit I have to think about how I'm going to get everything done! Certainly tasks will be assigned, however, experience tells me that the way to get it done, the way I want it done, is to do it myself. And if I rely on others I hate the fact that I will probably not like how everything has turned why bother? Then I feel guilty for not giving the benefit of the doubt. Well, maybe we'll turn happy hour into a Christmas we were planning on having anyway.

School is going good. I have decided that even though I like the format of choosing my own area of study for the Independent Study class I am taking, I do not like having no structure to follow. The class for Nov. is Fundamentals of Linguistics. I took a class like this several years ago and know what to expect. Should be fairly easy (yeah, like that's ever the case). I'm scheduled to take two classes in December. If everything plays out right (again, like that's ever the case) I will have one class each month, with the exceptions of Dec. and Feb (two classes those months) and graduate in May. Yeah! Now, to start thinking about my graduate degree. I'll probably start that in July. I really want June off so I can visit my folks without worrying about school.

Andrew had a Boy Scout merit badge class on Saturday morning across town. We drove out there only to discover a *snafu* with the scheduling process, and after some debate, decided he didn't want to wait for 3 hours so we came back home. He has the last two Eagle requirements he is working on right now. Once he finishes those he can start planning his Eagle project. He could start planning now, but Joe and I feel he needs to give the planning process %100 percent of his time without worrying about any other loose ends. Andrew's goal is to have his project completed by his 16th birthday, in 14 months. He wants to get a job (have to be 16 in the state of CA) and we decided it would be in his best interest to have his Eagle completed first. He will gain more in his life as an Eagle Scout than he will by having a job right at the age of 16. I have to say though, he seems pretty motivated.

Jessica played in a soccer tournament this weekend and had four games over two days. Their team placed 2nd. Not bad, considering they were just bumped down a bracket. She probably won't make practice again this rec. season because she starts her hard term tomorrow. Honors Pre-Cal, AP English 11, Physics, and her foreign language. I cannot even comprehend physics and pre-cal. The math I took was never that hard...I'm in awe of anyone whose brain functions in this manner.

Joe is still weathering the storm at AT&T. The strike threats are long over and things have quieted down. Apparently they are doing well, although layoff rumors persist. We have been down this road before...hence my desire to finish my degree quickly.

Now, I have to tell Andrew, again, to empty the dishwasher. If he is not careful he will end up with extra chores:-)

1 comment:

Gail said...

Thanks for such a newsy personal post. I'm excited for your graduation and Andrew's Eagle. Having a goal is so important. I struggle right now because I don't have a large goal that I'm working towards. I need the summit. I'd best be finding one:)