Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Feeling yucky and it's raining...

Last week I had the A/C on in the car...today I'm back wearing flannel pajamas. I wish Mother Earth would make up her mind about spring. 80 percent chance of rain today, thunderstorms tomorrow, and 25 percent chance of rain the rest of the week. Of course that doesn't mean it will rain, but whatever...

My sinuses are all clogged up, plus I'm (at times) hacking up a lung. I dislike those illnesses that make it uncomfortable to function yet you can still function. Does that make sense? I'm not in bed, just feeling yucky!

So, nothing on my spring break list gets done due to rain. My windows are so atrociously dirty....they will have to wait a week or two. I did get a new fern planted and some white bocapa. Much more to do though.

Jessica's appointment for wisdom teeth removal is the Friday of Memorial weekend. Trying to figure out a schedule to have that done was horrendous. The Dr. is a reservist and will be gone for a few weeks, plus he has two offices and we would like to have the surgery done at the closer office. In addition, we had to work around Jessica's SAT subject tests, ACT tests, and STAR testing. So, it was decided to have them out after school is over. I'm hoping the swelling and bruising are gone before we go to NYC.

Camping season has begun for Andrew's Boy Scout troop. Plus, they have at least one major hike planned a month. He told me he will start planning his Eagle Project this summer, to be completed around this time next year. He's motivated because we told him no driver's license or job until the project is completed, and that is one boy who wants to drive. All he talks about his cars...and his favorite new tv show is called World's Most Expensive Rides.

Joe is going to work today, but will be off starting tomorrow. Even with the rain I'm sure I can find a few spring cleaning chores for him to do :-)

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