Sunday, May 23, 2010


Today went well. I still have one more week left. My last two finals are on Saturday, then I can breathe a sigh of relief. My history professor gave the invocation at Commencement today. It was nice to meet him (weird thing about online classes, no face-to-face meeting of students or professors). We connected using cell phones. Another great thing about allows us to connect in ways previously not possible.

After the ceremony we came home for a bit, then picked up Andrew from NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training). He had two weekends in a row of training, but it is a fantastic program, and will most likely help him get a job next summer (he wants to work as a counselor at BS camp).

The series finale of Lost is on tonight. Everything seems to be coming to an end, or actually, crashing to an end. We go, go, go for months, then Bam! It all ends. My first priority is to pick up Lord of the Rings. It's been a while since I read it. Joe gave me a new copy for Christmas, but I just haven't had the time. I have my next two quilts planned out, but I think I'm going to wait on those until we come back from the East Coast, at the end of June. It is not a good idea to leave projects out for the cat to get into. The weirdest thing is the weather. Normally we have had many 80 and 90 degree days, with a 100 day thrown in there. It barely hit 70 today, and is supposed to rain two days this week. Bah!

Before the ceremony

Accepting the "diploma"
(the real one comes in the mail in July)

Walking across the stage

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