Boy have I ever dropped the ball! I can't believe it's been almost two weeks since I've blogged. Update, lets see...
Andrew's car wash was a success. He raised $300, combined with all the other fundraising it was almost enough to cover the entire cost of his project. Joe and I donated all the food and consumables for the car wash and project.
I was thinking the project was about a 5 on the 1-10 hardness scale. But after all the work done (still a bit more to do), and the comments from some of the other Eagle Scout parents, I have to amend the rating to be a 10. One of the dads (who has two Eagle sons) said it was the hardest project anyone in our troop has ever undertaken. To be honest, had we known what all was involved, we would have encouraged him to do something different. At least no one can accuse him of having a "soft" project.
He still has to take the forms off the concrete and raise the flag pole. After that it's all paper work. Once he has all the signatures, he can turn the whole binder in and ask for a Board of Review. Ideally this happens within a few months of completing the project, but since he's going to be gone this summer it might not happen until August or September, which is fine. He's got the hard part done.
Jessica declared her intent and accepted NYU for the fall. It's exciting (and scary) for mom and dad, but it's where she needs to be, I really feel that. She starts end August/early September sometime. She won't be coming home for Thanksgiving this year since we'll be heading out that way for Marie's wedding (so super excited), but she will come home for Christmas.
I've resigned myself to another layoff, and am looking at other options. I can be a classroom substitute teacher, or just start looking for another job. I might just start looking for something else. The writing is on the wall for the state of education and I'm just not liking what I'm reading. Besides, I'm tired of being laid off every year.
Joe and I are heading to LA the first week of May for a meeting he has, then it's back here for graduation followed by Yosemite. Otherwise we're just winding down the school year (finally, my kids are the BUSIEST I know, and I need a break)and relaxing with great friends this summer.
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