Friday, December 31, 2010

Possibilities in the New Year!

It's five o'clock on New Year's Eve, and as I sit drinking my tea thoughts of the new year are swirling around my head. Our family dynamics will be changing as Jessica heads off to college (she is not allowed to live at home after high school, I need a break). How will being three of us affect Andrew, or any decisions we make for the immediate future? What happens if he's busy at school, a lot, and it's just the two of us. I'm prepared for the eventuality of that reality, just didn't think it might happen so soon. Also, should I make a resolution? The expectation of making a commitment, only to surely break it, is a lot of pressure. I would much rather decide to change something about myself during a time when it's least expected, especially by me.

So, in the usual course of things, I'll just continue to muddle along and let things transpire (of course, many times I've said "failing to plan is planning to fail"), but even in my obsessive, controlling way that I plan, I'll look for ways to relax and enjoy the last few months as a family of four.

Off to get ready for a party now. It takes longer as I get older!!

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