I wanted to share the best recipe for Salmon Casserole. As I was making it for dinner I thought maybe someone else would enjoy the recipe.
1 can cream of celery soup (can be healthy request)
1 jar canned salmon
1/2 c. mayo (can be lowfat or nonfat)
1/4 c. milk (can be nonfat or even soy)
1/4 c. fresh grated parmesan cheese
1 can of peas (can use frozen instead, just thaw them first)
steamed fresh asparagus (one bundle)
cooked egg noodles
chopped onion
Combine the soup mix and milk in small saucepan on stove until heated thoroughly. In large bowl mix the salmon, mayonnaise, peas or asparagus, onion, and egg noodles. Add the soup/milk mixture. Blend and put into large baking dish. Sprinkle grated cheese on top, and bake at 350 degrees for approx. 25 minutes.
I didn't put an amount on the onion, just use whatever you like. I have made it with green onion and that comes out well. I have also made it with asparagus and with peas. Both are wonderful! It's easiest just to use whatever is in season, although I probably wouldn't use broccoli. Fresh parmesan instead of canned is a must. Serve with green salad (spring mix already made up from the store) or garlic bread. I always have leftovers for our lunches the next day.
It's been asked if I'm coming up to Alaska this summer. I am not planning on it because one of the classes I have to take is on-site and is 4 days a week. I've been putting it off but it has come down to the wire and I must take it this summer. Summer is supposed to be the "vacation" from all our activities but we're really just as busy. Jessica is attending Girl Scout camp as a CIT again. This is the 2nd year in a 3 year program. She'll be gone for about 6 weeks. In addition, our school is starting a week early this year so next year we will all be done the Wednesday before Memorial weekend. Andrew is taking soccer referee classes and is going to Boy Scout camp again. The wrestling club he belongs to meets all summer so he will be busy too. I imagine that in the very near future it will be me visiting Alaska without the kids because we don't all seem to have the same time off. Grandma and Grandpa will be disappointed though. Anyway, in two years Jessica will be heading off to school, although we're hoping for a California school while she's hoping for a NYC school.
Hi Julie!
Is this Jessica? It has been a long time but I would love to catch up with you again!
Ginger!! How wonderful to see you. That is Jessica, now 16. I tried to view your blog but the setting is on "invited only". Please put me on your invited list.
Hey there! Thanks for the salmon casserole recipe. How did you know that I have a jar of salmon sitting in the back of my cupboard that needs to be used up before it goes bad?? Will salmon canned in the summer of '07 still be good?
Great! I need your email to invite you! Mine is gingerdominguez@gmail.com
Jessica is so beautiful!
Hello Julie,
You asked me how to put music on a blog...I ended up having to just google search terms like "free embed music for blog." And the page should have the code that you would add to your blog as a gadget. Unless you can write html...I tried but it went way over my head. Cute pic by the way. :)
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