It's five o'clock on New Year's Eve, and as I sit drinking my tea thoughts of the new year are swirling around my head. Our family dynamics will be changing as Jessica heads off to college (she is not allowed to live at home after high school, I need a break). How will being three of us affect Andrew, or any decisions we make for the immediate future? What happens if he's busy at school, a lot, and it's just the two of us. I'm prepared for the eventuality of that reality, just didn't think it might happen so soon. Also, should I make a resolution? The expectation of making a commitment, only to surely break it, is a lot of pressure. I would much rather decide to change something about myself during a time when it's least expected, especially by me.
So, in the usual course of things, I'll just continue to muddle along and let things transpire (of course, many times I've said "failing to plan is planning to fail"), but even in my obsessive, controlling way that I plan, I'll look for ways to relax and enjoy the last few months as a family of four.
Off to get ready for a party now. It takes longer as I get older!!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Addendum to the Mother's Manual
It goes without saying that being a parent is the hardest job in the world, on so many levels. The crying, screaming, whining, incessant demands, and that's just the parents. The kids are worse. Quite a few times I caught myself saying "how many times do I have to tell you?" (embarrassing, I never thought I'd be one of "those" parents). But, as parents, it's our job to set standards, even raise expectations. That's why, when we say threaten something we have to mean it. Putting forth an aura of confidence and stability says don't mess with us, we can take the pressure. Parenting is not for the weak at heart!
Straight from this morning's Sacramento Bee (the most liberal paper I have ever read, but the only paper in Sacramento so I really have no choice): "Suit blasts McDonald's over Happy Meals".
A Sacramento area woman is combining forces with the Center for Science in the Public Interest to sue McDonald's because they believe putting toys in Happy Meals is "deceptive advertising". Hello??? Yes, it is. McDonald's wants to sell Happy Meals. BUT you don't have to buy them. You can say NO!! (really, this parent is too funny). And I quote her, "I don't think it's OK to entice children with Happy Meals with the promise of a toy" Apparently, she tries to go to Mickey D's only once a month. Continuing, "But she said the requests increased this summer, thanks to the popularity of the Shrek Forever After....Needles to say, my answer was No...And as usual, pouting ensued and a little bit of a disagreement between us. This doesn't stop with one request. It's truly a litany of requests".
So, let me get this straight. Her kids asked her a bunch of times, annoying her, so she has to sue McDonald's? Can I sue Apple over requests for iPhones? Or Ferarri over requests for cars? (15 year old boy, here). What about ALL the times they ask to go on a "real" vacation. Can I sue the airlines? I mean, advertisers make Italy look pretty d**** nice. This lady needs a reality check. Kids ask for stuff. Say NO. If you can't handle it, tough. It's your job.
I wonder how she handles the cereal aisle?
Straight from this morning's Sacramento Bee (the most liberal paper I have ever read, but the only paper in Sacramento so I really have no choice): "Suit blasts McDonald's over Happy Meals".
A Sacramento area woman is combining forces with the Center for Science in the Public Interest to sue McDonald's because they believe putting toys in Happy Meals is "deceptive advertising". Hello??? Yes, it is. McDonald's wants to sell Happy Meals. BUT you don't have to buy them. You can say NO!! (really, this parent is too funny). And I quote her, "I don't think it's OK to entice children with Happy Meals with the promise of a toy" Apparently, she tries to go to Mickey D's only once a month. Continuing, "But she said the requests increased this summer, thanks to the popularity of the Shrek Forever After....Needles to say, my answer was No...And as usual, pouting ensued and a little bit of a disagreement between us. This doesn't stop with one request. It's truly a litany of requests".
So, let me get this straight. Her kids asked her a bunch of times, annoying her, so she has to sue McDonald's? Can I sue Apple over requests for iPhones? Or Ferarri over requests for cars? (15 year old boy, here). What about ALL the times they ask to go on a "real" vacation. Can I sue the airlines? I mean, advertisers make Italy look pretty d**** nice. This lady needs a reality check. Kids ask for stuff. Say NO. If you can't handle it, tough. It's your job.
I wonder how she handles the cereal aisle?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Mother's Manual
Before you bring the baby home from the hospital you need a car seat. The hospital workers actually wheel the mother, and baby, out to the car just to make sure the infant has a safe and secure way to get home. Of course the mother's not allowed to hold the infant while she's being wheeled out, that's a liability. But what I don't understand is why there is no manual for the mother. Do "they" really believe all women are endowed with some innate ability to care for infants? Notice the they is in quotation marks, I mean, who really knows who "they" are?? I think it's just some schmuck, in a suit, in some office at the legislature that really needs to add his name to some bill, justifying his existence.
Things That Should Be In The Mother's Manual:
DO NOT talk to teenagers in the morning. They don't like it and you won't like how they respond.
DO NOT expect to have a "nice" Christmas tree while animals live in the house (real animals, not teenagers, although sometimes there are no distinctions).
Family dinner time is a must. Turn off the tv and don't answer the phone.
Kids that help in the kitchen are more likely to eat what they help make. It's a hassle, but worth it.
Be a PARENT, not a FRIEND.
Say NO, and mean it.
Raise your expectations.
When they are infants, they cry, a LOT!
Make them do chores, which gives mom time to sit on the couch and read.
When they are toddlers, if you take them to the park, it tires them out for NAPTIME!
DO NOT talk to teenagers in the morning (repeated, but worth being said).
Expect laundry, lots of it.
Practice the "uh-huh" look in the mirror, so when they are endlessly babbling on about something or the other, it looks like you're paying attention.
Make them write thank you notes.
Let them try to fit in. If it takes some ugly pair of skinny jeans, well, let them wear it. Then take lots of pictures so in 20 years they can wonder what the h*** they were thinking (this really works)
Having said that last thing...they don't need everything their friends have.
For punishment, find out their hot buttons. For most teens it's the phone and the computer. Don't be afraid to take them away. You pay the bills, you set the rules!
And finally....
DO NOT talk to teenagers in the morning!
Things That Should Be In The Mother's Manual:
DO NOT talk to teenagers in the morning. They don't like it and you won't like how they respond.
DO NOT expect to have a "nice" Christmas tree while animals live in the house (real animals, not teenagers, although sometimes there are no distinctions).
Family dinner time is a must. Turn off the tv and don't answer the phone.
Kids that help in the kitchen are more likely to eat what they help make. It's a hassle, but worth it.
Be a PARENT, not a FRIEND.
Say NO, and mean it.
Raise your expectations.
When they are infants, they cry, a LOT!
Make them do chores, which gives mom time to sit on the couch and read.
When they are toddlers, if you take them to the park, it tires them out for NAPTIME!
DO NOT talk to teenagers in the morning (repeated, but worth being said).
Expect laundry, lots of it.
Practice the "uh-huh" look in the mirror, so when they are endlessly babbling on about something or the other, it looks like you're paying attention.
Make them write thank you notes.
Let them try to fit in. If it takes some ugly pair of skinny jeans, well, let them wear it. Then take lots of pictures so in 20 years they can wonder what the h*** they were thinking (this really works)
Having said that last thing...they don't need everything their friends have.
For punishment, find out their hot buttons. For most teens it's the phone and the computer. Don't be afraid to take them away. You pay the bills, you set the rules!
And finally....
DO NOT talk to teenagers in the morning!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
....but I live with tech support
Of course that doesn't mean much, I mean, most "techies" find it easier to fix the problem rather than teach how to fix the problem. Today I actually went to the blog help center. For some reason I wasn't able to change the layout of my blog, and usually I can figure these things out for myself, but it wasn't happen' this morning. So 8 hours after I posted a question some nice guy tells me how to fix it. No, it wasn't my husband, but an anonymous stranger from the far reaches of the internet. Now I can change the look of my blog again. So happy! Although not happy enough to tell what the problem was (so embarrassingly simple).
Having said all that...
This new background kinda reminds me of Sacramento in the winter...all rainy and strangely beautiful!
Having said all that...
This new background kinda reminds me of Sacramento in the winter...all rainy and strangely beautiful!
Thoughts about "stuff"
If you want a good haircut don't go to someone whose hair looks bad.
If you want financial advice don't ask a poor person.
If you want parenting advice ask someone whose kids are successful (not necessarily rich, just good kids that don't get into trouble and know how to enjoy life)
If you want couples advice don't ask a divorced person.
If you want school advice don't ask and uneducated person.
If you want advice on how to live a happy life don't ask a sad person.
Lot's of don't s, I know, but it seems like so many people get caught up in the here-and-now they fail to see the larger picture. As I always tell Jessica and Andrew, when you want something, figure out what it takes to achieve it, and then work out a plan on how to get it. You can't get an A by not doing homework and studying. Kids won't be great kids if the parent does not have expectations, or if there are no limits set. It's okay to say no. It's okay to not buy them everything. A teacher asked us last month how we ended up with two great kids, and we said "family dinner". Invest in them with time, not stuff. Really, that's the most important thing we can give our children, the gift of ourselves.
If you want financial advice don't ask a poor person.
If you want parenting advice ask someone whose kids are successful (not necessarily rich, just good kids that don't get into trouble and know how to enjoy life)
If you want couples advice don't ask a divorced person.
If you want school advice don't ask and uneducated person.
If you want advice on how to live a happy life don't ask a sad person.
Lot's of don't s, I know, but it seems like so many people get caught up in the here-and-now they fail to see the larger picture. As I always tell Jessica and Andrew, when you want something, figure out what it takes to achieve it, and then work out a plan on how to get it. You can't get an A by not doing homework and studying. Kids won't be great kids if the parent does not have expectations, or if there are no limits set. It's okay to say no. It's okay to not buy them everything. A teacher asked us last month how we ended up with two great kids, and we said "family dinner". Invest in them with time, not stuff. Really, that's the most important thing we can give our children, the gift of ourselves.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The signs of old age...
I forgot to put something on my mental checklist, and now that I've remembered the timing has put me back a few days. Ugh! Do NOT like that. There's been so much going on and trying to keep track of it all has really frazzled me. How did I work full time and go to school full time? Man, I must not have got anything done (although, I know I did, I just can't get it done now). Having said all that...Jessica's been filling out her college apps (which, by the way, are NOT due all at the same time, which means for the serious procrastinator (her) it's dragged out foreverrrrrrr)and Andrew's been working on a couple of school/scout things that are due. Why do I feel the need to organize?? Yes, I know that they are supposed to take care of certain things themselves, but as parents that's what we do; we teach our kids how to manage time, how to talk to adults, how to fill out applications, how to send thank-you notes, and all the organizational *stuff* that goes with being a successful adult. I just wish it didn't have to be done at the same time.
Okay, ranting done.
The Boy Scout Christmas party is next week and I forgot to check the shed for paper supplies (per the mention above). Not really a big deal in the whole scope of things, but I do like to at least appear like I know what I'm doing. It's all good, though, I've got the pizzas ready to order (20), and a list of sodas to get at the store (20 2 liter). I even remembered to pick up a toy for the Toys for Tots toy drive.
Andrew is presenting his Eagle project at the next board meeting (Dec. 14). If it's approved then he has to get it signed off by the council person. Hopefully it will happen this spring, end of April beginning of May. We're going to try to get a campsite in Yosemite before Memorial weekend, and he goes to camp the middle of June, so our timing is kind of tight. National Parks are notorious for selling out of campsites within minutes. Joe and I will both be manning the phones on January 15th (first day to call).
It's been frosty on the ground the last few mornings. One of the trees in our backyard is just now changing color. I fear this will be a long winter.
Christmas is in just over 3 weeks. Have not even started shopping yet. Of course, no one in this house has bothered to put up a list. Besides, how much "stuff" does one person need?
I'm off to work out now. Weights and running today. blah!
Okay, ranting done.
The Boy Scout Christmas party is next week and I forgot to check the shed for paper supplies (per the mention above). Not really a big deal in the whole scope of things, but I do like to at least appear like I know what I'm doing. It's all good, though, I've got the pizzas ready to order (20), and a list of sodas to get at the store (20 2 liter). I even remembered to pick up a toy for the Toys for Tots toy drive.
Andrew is presenting his Eagle project at the next board meeting (Dec. 14). If it's approved then he has to get it signed off by the council person. Hopefully it will happen this spring, end of April beginning of May. We're going to try to get a campsite in Yosemite before Memorial weekend, and he goes to camp the middle of June, so our timing is kind of tight. National Parks are notorious for selling out of campsites within minutes. Joe and I will both be manning the phones on January 15th (first day to call).
It's been frosty on the ground the last few mornings. One of the trees in our backyard is just now changing color. I fear this will be a long winter.
Christmas is in just over 3 weeks. Have not even started shopping yet. Of course, no one in this house has bothered to put up a list. Besides, how much "stuff" does one person need?
I'm off to work out now. Weights and running today. blah!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Absolutely no excuse!
Has it really been 6 weeks since I last posted? That seems to be a common theme for me lately. I'm enjoying the time I have so much that some things get pushed to the side, although, I have been posting at least once a week on the food blog. Also, some people use this forum as an online diary, and they absolutely should, it's a great format, but exposing all my thoughts for everyone to see is really not me.
Having said that...let me find a place to start.
Thanksgiving was fun. It's always nice to see family, which doesn't happen as often as it should, especially now that the kids are older and closer to leaving home. We went to an authentic sushi place with Philip and Yasuko. I'm hoping during Easter weekend we can hit Aldo's. Their major remodel is almost done, it's been over a year now, and I know they're looking forward to it. Joe's mom and dad are doing well, a little older and slower but no major health problems. His brother Richard and wife Ann are also doing well. They are still adjusting to life with teenagers and haven't really learned to roll with it yet. Their kids are great, as are all our nieces and nephews. I love seeing how they are all growing up, becoming independent of mom and dad, forming their own unique personalities.
We stopped at the Vacaville outlets on the way to the Bay, looking for Jessica's birthday present. We also looked at the local mall but it seems real leather is out and "pleather" is in. What's the point?? The cow is dying for steak anyway, just make a jacket out of it. Besides, real leather looks much better and cuts the wind.
The Christmas season is upon us. That means Boy Scout Troop 59 is having their annual tree lot. Our last shift is this Sunday, selling trees from 9-2. I'm glad to get it done early this year. Our cooler summer has morphed into an even colder winter, so I don't exactly relish the idea of selling trees in three weeks.
New kitten is fitting in nicely with Bailey and Sisko. He's much more of a lap cat than Sisko, and somehow finds a way to sneak under the covers every night. But it's so cute how can we get mad???
Having said that...let me find a place to start.
Thanksgiving was fun. It's always nice to see family, which doesn't happen as often as it should, especially now that the kids are older and closer to leaving home. We went to an authentic sushi place with Philip and Yasuko. I'm hoping during Easter weekend we can hit Aldo's. Their major remodel is almost done, it's been over a year now, and I know they're looking forward to it. Joe's mom and dad are doing well, a little older and slower but no major health problems. His brother Richard and wife Ann are also doing well. They are still adjusting to life with teenagers and haven't really learned to roll with it yet. Their kids are great, as are all our nieces and nephews. I love seeing how they are all growing up, becoming independent of mom and dad, forming their own unique personalities.
We stopped at the Vacaville outlets on the way to the Bay, looking for Jessica's birthday present. We also looked at the local mall but it seems real leather is out and "pleather" is in. What's the point?? The cow is dying for steak anyway, just make a jacket out of it. Besides, real leather looks much better and cuts the wind.
The Christmas season is upon us. That means Boy Scout Troop 59 is having their annual tree lot. Our last shift is this Sunday, selling trees from 9-2. I'm glad to get it done early this year. Our cooler summer has morphed into an even colder winter, so I don't exactly relish the idea of selling trees in three weeks.
New kitten is fitting in nicely with Bailey and Sisko. He's much more of a lap cat than Sisko, and somehow finds a way to sneak under the covers every night. But it's so cute how can we get mad???
Friday, October 8, 2010
Seems to be a weekly theme...
Friday again. How did the week go by so fast? Here I thought I would have all this free time now I'm done with school (for the moment) and my work hours have been cut in half. The reality is I'm busier than ever. Now I'm filling up my time with brief house cleaning (and boy do I mean brief), increasing my fitness level, and trips to the library. Oh yeah, I'm definitely cooking more. I had forgotten how much I love just puttering around the house. It's fulfilling in an odd sort of way.
Not much going on this weekend. I think we'll do family pizza and a movie night. Andrew has to work at the pumpkin patch on Sunday (with an adult parental unit) and from there he's going to another Eagle Court of Honor. 6 boys from his troop have Courts of Honor this month. It's kind of feast or famine. He's meeting with his Scoutmaster next Wednesday to go over project ideas. All Eagle required merit badges have now been awarded to him, in fact, he has 39 total.
Still waiting for Autumn to show up. We had a small taste earlier in the week when temps were in the low 70's, but I see we're back to the mid 80's for the weekend and beginning of next week. At least it's dark by 7:00 so it feels like the season is changing.
Not much going on this weekend. I think we'll do family pizza and a movie night. Andrew has to work at the pumpkin patch on Sunday (with an adult parental unit) and from there he's going to another Eagle Court of Honor. 6 boys from his troop have Courts of Honor this month. It's kind of feast or famine. He's meeting with his Scoutmaster next Wednesday to go over project ideas. All Eagle required merit badges have now been awarded to him, in fact, he has 39 total.
Still waiting for Autumn to show up. We had a small taste earlier in the week when temps were in the low 70's, but I see we're back to the mid 80's for the weekend and beginning of next week. At least it's dark by 7:00 so it feels like the season is changing.
Friday, September 24, 2010
It's Friday!!!
I love the weekend, and all the possibilities it brings. Will I be lazy or motivated? Will I cook or eat out? Will it be quiet or filled with loud friends (as mine tend to be)? Whatever it brings, it's all mine.
Andrew's Boy Scout troop is setting up for their big fundraiser. They sell pumpkins in October at the cutest pumpkin patch, and Christmas trees after Thanksgiving. There is a lot in Old Elk Grove that used to be a gas station, but the owner closed it down and razed the building 25+ years ago. It can't be sold because the tank is still in the ground and he doesn't want to pay to remove the tank or clean up the soil. So, he let's the troop use it for free. The large metal fence, with lights, goes up this weekend, and stays up until the week before Christmas. Andrew and Joe help set the fence up, plus we'll have to do one five hour sales shift. We sign up for the Christmas tree lot in early November. Both are a lot of fun.
After the lot set-up, Joe is taking Andrew and Rhett to the Governor's Cup at Sacramento Speedway. Car races all day and well into the night. I'm making them a large picnic to take and wishing them a good time. Personally, I don't see the appeal, but it is a guy thing I suppose. At night they have nitro cars with the large flames shooting behind. It's supposed to be quite a sight.
While the boys are at play, Jessica and I will be heading up to the Roseville Galleria. It's a bit of a drive, and we only do it a few times a year, but as the opportunity presents can we deny our inner desire for retail therapy? There is an H&M, which Jess really likes, William Sonoma for me, plus the fun-to-look-at-but-not-venture-into-stores such as Tiffany and Gucci.
I've been reading some good books, and some not so good books. I like to fetter the bitterness of a think-about book with the ease of a no-brainer.
Otherwise....we're looking forward to the premiere of Harry Potter in November, although find ourselves in a conundrum because we have a previous commitment that evening. I can't take the kids out of school to see the movie (can I?), so we're left with a 3 hour window. Not sure how it's going to fit, but somehow we are going to see the movie AND attend our engagement.
I saw this pillow at Target and really wanted to buy it for future grandkids, but I resisted. Isn't it cute???
Andrew's Boy Scout troop is setting up for their big fundraiser. They sell pumpkins in October at the cutest pumpkin patch, and Christmas trees after Thanksgiving. There is a lot in Old Elk Grove that used to be a gas station, but the owner closed it down and razed the building 25+ years ago. It can't be sold because the tank is still in the ground and he doesn't want to pay to remove the tank or clean up the soil. So, he let's the troop use it for free. The large metal fence, with lights, goes up this weekend, and stays up until the week before Christmas. Andrew and Joe help set the fence up, plus we'll have to do one five hour sales shift. We sign up for the Christmas tree lot in early November. Both are a lot of fun.
After the lot set-up, Joe is taking Andrew and Rhett to the Governor's Cup at Sacramento Speedway. Car races all day and well into the night. I'm making them a large picnic to take and wishing them a good time. Personally, I don't see the appeal, but it is a guy thing I suppose. At night they have nitro cars with the large flames shooting behind. It's supposed to be quite a sight.
While the boys are at play, Jessica and I will be heading up to the Roseville Galleria. It's a bit of a drive, and we only do it a few times a year, but as the opportunity presents can we deny our inner desire for retail therapy? There is an H&M, which Jess really likes, William Sonoma for me, plus the fun-to-look-at-but-not-venture-into-stores such as Tiffany and Gucci.
I've been reading some good books, and some not so good books. I like to fetter the bitterness of a think-about book with the ease of a no-brainer.
Otherwise....we're looking forward to the premiere of Harry Potter in November, although find ourselves in a conundrum because we have a previous commitment that evening. I can't take the kids out of school to see the movie (can I?), so we're left with a 3 hour window. Not sure how it's going to fit, but somehow we are going to see the movie AND attend our engagement.
I saw this pillow at Target and really wanted to buy it for future grandkids, but I resisted. Isn't it cute???
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Feeling kinda lazy....

Wow, can't believe it's been over a month since I've blogged. A lot has happened this month. I started back at work (my old job, the one I had before I was laid off from my most recent one), the kids started school, and Marie and I launched the food blog. Although, really, I've had time to blog. I've just been enjoying my free time. The last year and a half was very busy (read:stressful) for me, so having the time to just read a little, do housework, browse at Target, has all been enjoyable.
Work is good. I had forgotten how much I liked the little kids. They are so sweet and cute. I am really looking forward to this year.
Jessica is a senior this year, and busier than ever. ASB President, Co-Editor of the school newspaper, member of the Academic Decathlon Team and the National Honor Society. I don't know how she keeps it all straight, but she does and she loves it. I think this is going to be a really good year for her. She gets more mail than we do, all of it college related. I think it's going to go by too fast!
Andrew is a sophomore this year and as laid back as ever. Not one to put himself out in the public eye like his sister, he still gets plenty of school attention. A very handsome boy, that's for sure. He skipped playing soccer for the school this fall in order to focus on his classes. This term he's hit with the hardest: AP Chemistry, Honor's Algebra 2, Honor's English 10, and U.S. History. He plans on wrestling, which starts conditioning in 7 weeks, but by then he'll have laid the foundation for his hard classes (his words, not mine). As soon as this term ends he'll be planning his Eagle Project, hopefully for springtime.
Joe and I have been doing a lot more stuff without the kids, which is good because we don't want to be those empty nester's who sit and watch tv night after night.
I'm looking forward to Christmas here with my mom and Marie. It should be fun. I've already told the family we will be eating at Chevy's and Mimi's (mom's favorite places), and we might even hit the "big" mall.
Got to run. Finishing a Black Forest Cake for friends that are coming over later for dessert. This picture of Jessica is the one we got an 11x13 of, with the canvas texture. It's beautiful!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Should I or shouldn't I?
The great thing about summer is having the mornings free to exercise. I've been running a lot, plus have increased my strength training using our new home gym, and have been feeling pretty good. Having said that, there is such a thing as over-doing it! Usually, I take every opportunity to exercise because you never know what might impede it the next day (usually housework, but you all know how I feel about that). Sometimes I start thinking about the things I have to do, and the things I want to do, realizing they are not always the same! So, while I want to exercise today I'm feeling sore from my run yesterday and might skip it. But, my dilemma is, if I don't exercise, then I have time to clean the bathrooms, which I really don't want to do. What should I do? Run, or clean???
Monday, August 2, 2010
Andrew made it home safely after being gone for two weeks. We missed him terribly (probably me most of all). He said camp was a lot of fun, the food wasn't as good this year as last year, and he finished an additional three merit badges. He LOVED the surprise he found in his room, so much he dropped his pack and fell to the floor. We bought a home gym, and for lack of a better place to put it, for his room. It belongs to the family, and I have already used it twice, so the expectation is that he keeps the floor space around it clean so we have easy access. Of course he's the neat one so I don't see any problem with that.
My new adventure with Marie is going to be fun. It's exciting to collaborate on a blog. The name is 'Two sister, two kitchen', which is really a work in progress.
School starts two weeks from today, although Jessica has some kind of meeting almost every day until then. We need to do some back to school shopping. I suppose we'll fit it in somehow. I'm a sucker at Staples or Office Depot. I love markers and cool notebooks.
We've had a fairly mild summer so far. There have only been two days the temp. has been over 100 (very rare). The area averages 22 (100 degree) days a year. My fear is we'll get them all at once. It still stays warm here into September, but at least it's cool at night (usually).
My new adventure with Marie is going to be fun. It's exciting to collaborate on a blog. The name is 'Two sister, two kitchen', which is really a work in progress.
School starts two weeks from today, although Jessica has some kind of meeting almost every day until then. We need to do some back to school shopping. I suppose we'll fit it in somehow. I'm a sucker at Staples or Office Depot. I love markers and cool notebooks.
We've had a fairly mild summer so far. There have only been two days the temp. has been over 100 (very rare). The area averages 22 (100 degree) days a year. My fear is we'll get them all at once. It still stays warm here into September, but at least it's cool at night (usually).
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Lazy Saturday, or Busy Saturday?
Can't decide what to do today (just saying this is a luxury). Andrew is at camp until August 1st and Jessica is heading into SF with a friend (then overnight at her house). I suppose I could mop the kitchen floor, considering I just spilled coffee on it, OR, I could use my handy-dandy new designed-for-pet-hair vacuum, OR, I can finish the blanket I've been working on and put my sewing supplies away, OR, I can finish The Fellowship of the Ring (2/3 done). Choices! Most likely, at some point, I'll find motivation to do all these (hopefully) and end up outside by the pool. Life is tough, but someone has to do it!
On another note, we went to the State Fair last night. I feel like we wasted our $36 entrance fee by spending only 3 hours there. The only exhibits I really like are the textiles and animals. The fair is much smaller this year because of the early start date. Next year I might just go to the County Fair and skip the State Fair.
Has anyone eaten at Togo's? I'm going to attempt to recreate the dressing they use on their Asian Chicken Salad. I'll let you know how that works out.
On another note, we went to the State Fair last night. I feel like we wasted our $36 entrance fee by spending only 3 hours there. The only exhibits I really like are the textiles and animals. The fair is much smaller this year because of the early start date. Next year I might just go to the County Fair and skip the State Fair.
Has anyone eaten at Togo's? I'm going to attempt to recreate the dressing they use on their Asian Chicken Salad. I'll let you know how that works out.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Off The Wagon...
Mom and Marie will know what I mean when I say "I went off the wagon". It does not have to do with drugs, alcohol, or any addictive substance. In an attempt to cut some of the stress and negativity from my life I cut toxic reading material from my computer's favorite list. Problem is, it's still attached to my BLOG and is in my history I clicked on it and was sucked back in (it is NOT what you might be thinking). It was only a momentary lapse, just long enough for me to feel bad about my 'indiscretion'. I guess I'll just have to soldier on.
Camping was....camping. Not my favorite activity, but we did get to hang out with good friends in a very beautiful setting. There is still gear to put away, but I'll leave that for Joe (which really means I'll have to nag him to get to it), but eventually everything will be in its proper place.
I forgot to mention my new vacuum. Specially designed for the home with pet hair. So powerful, love it!
Camping was....camping. Not my favorite activity, but we did get to hang out with good friends in a very beautiful setting. There is still gear to put away, but I'll leave that for Joe (which really means I'll have to nag him to get to it), but eventually everything will be in its proper place.
I forgot to mention my new vacuum. Specially designed for the home with pet hair. So powerful, love it!
Dropping Andrew off!
Andrew has been dropped at camp for two weeks, close to the beautiful little town of Guernieville, Ca. Situated along the banks of the Russian River, this quaint town is the backdrop for recreational sports such as fishing and kayaking. The Russian River, at this spot, is not a fast moving, or very deep river, which makes it perfect for families with little ones.
Forgive me while I play with BLOG backgrounds, fonts, and text colors. This is fun!
Forgive me while I play with BLOG backgrounds, fonts, and text colors. This is fun!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Having fun with the blog.....
The new design format speaks to the creativity within me! Just dinking around with the elements of my BLOG. Expect to see changes often, as I have fun with changing it up a bit!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Camping this weekend....
As much as I hate the words leaving my mouth, they must be said....we are going camping this weekend. The good news is its only for one night. The original plan was to be gone two nights, but I messed up in planning around Andrew's Boy Scout camp schedule, so one night it is. A VERY large group of us are heading up to Scott's Flat. It should be fun, exhausting, and hot. Our next camping plans are in August, when Andrew's troop does family camp. This year the camping trip is to Bodega Bay.
Andrew and I are getting a few last minute items today, for his two week CIT program and our camping trip. Joe and I are taking him, and another scout, up to the camp near Santa Rosa early Sunday morning, then we'll do some wine tasting on the way back. The other scout parent brings them home in two weeks. If all goes well, this *informal* two week job interview will land him a job for 7 weeks next summer.
Jessica continues to be a bump on a log. Absolutely no jobs available around here, and her leadership camp was canceled.
Next Wednesday night is the Boy Scout Court of Honor. Organization falls to me, but I delegate well.
Andrew and I are getting a few last minute items today, for his two week CIT program and our camping trip. Joe and I are taking him, and another scout, up to the camp near Santa Rosa early Sunday morning, then we'll do some wine tasting on the way back. The other scout parent brings them home in two weeks. If all goes well, this *informal* two week job interview will land him a job for 7 weeks next summer.
Jessica continues to be a bump on a log. Absolutely no jobs available around here, and her leadership camp was canceled.
Next Wednesday night is the Boy Scout Court of Honor. Organization falls to me, but I delegate well.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Blogging and such...
Wow! I can't believe it has been three weeks since I've blogged. Of course this has happened before, but now that I'm out of school, and out of work, I was hoping to increase my writing time.
We had a great time on the East coast. Most people have seen the photos on FB. If not let me know and I can post a few favorites here. The most memorable part of the trip for me was D.C. The immensity of the monuments and buildings is breathtaking...really a fantastic visit.
When we came home I got out my sewing machine, ready with all good intentions. The fabric is waiting for me to decide what to do. I have some ideas, just no real motivation (can't believe I said that!). I'm just enjoying relaxing for now.
Andrew is scheduled to work on a friend's Eagle project today. Hopefully he'll start planning his soon. The goal is to do the actual project in May or June next year. So far he's been busy with summer homework and having fun. He's leaving for Boy Scout camp on July 4. He comes home on the 11th and leaves again (as a counselor-in-training) on the 18th for two weeks.
Jessica opted not to go to Girl Scout camp this year, although she is going to a leadership camp at the end of July. She also has homework and has been busy with friends.
Joe and I are enjoying being home. We, too, have been hanging out with friends. Next summer I expect things to be slightly different, since it will be Jessica's last before heading to college. We've been watching favorite movies and enjoying our summer television shows.
I've got to put marinade on tonight's chicken. Joe is making potato pancakes to go with it (not my favorite, but a good use for leftover potatoes). I'll probably slice some zucchini to grill. Not sure about dessert. Maybe just sliced watermelon. Easy breezy dinner on a hot day!
We had a great time on the East coast. Most people have seen the photos on FB. If not let me know and I can post a few favorites here. The most memorable part of the trip for me was D.C. The immensity of the monuments and buildings is breathtaking...really a fantastic visit.
When we came home I got out my sewing machine, ready with all good intentions. The fabric is waiting for me to decide what to do. I have some ideas, just no real motivation (can't believe I said that!). I'm just enjoying relaxing for now.
Andrew is scheduled to work on a friend's Eagle project today. Hopefully he'll start planning his soon. The goal is to do the actual project in May or June next year. So far he's been busy with summer homework and having fun. He's leaving for Boy Scout camp on July 4. He comes home on the 11th and leaves again (as a counselor-in-training) on the 18th for two weeks.
Jessica opted not to go to Girl Scout camp this year, although she is going to a leadership camp at the end of July. She also has homework and has been busy with friends.
Joe and I are enjoying being home. We, too, have been hanging out with friends. Next summer I expect things to be slightly different, since it will be Jessica's last before heading to college. We've been watching favorite movies and enjoying our summer television shows.
I've got to put marinade on tonight's chicken. Joe is making potato pancakes to go with it (not my favorite, but a good use for leftover potatoes). I'll probably slice some zucchini to grill. Not sure about dessert. Maybe just sliced watermelon. Easy breezy dinner on a hot day!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Graduation party....
It was a lot of fun! Lots of great food and drink, plus fabulous company.
These are the beautiful flowers my mom sent me!
Julie and Tricia
I'm really not telling anyone to get out, just pointing at something (dog?)
Scott and Tricia
Julie and Tricia
Scott and Tricia...again. The party continues on, even after most have left!
Henry and Pedro
The guys
The girls
Tricia, Lynda, Julie, Diana, and Cathy
These are the beautiful flowers my mom sent me!
Julie and Tricia
I'm really not telling anyone to get out, just pointing at something (dog?)
Scott and Tricia
Julie and Tricia
Scott and Tricia...again. The party continues on, even after most have left!
Henry and Pedro
The guys
The girls
Tricia, Lynda, Julie, Diana, and Cathy
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Great day for a run...
I'm a walker by choice. My treadmill gives me a great workout, especially on the incline. Today I ran. It's a good way to ramp it up a notch. Now that I'll have more exercise time I'm hoping to work up to running more. We'll see.
Lots to do today. Jessica and I are getting haircuts, plus Andrew needs water shoes for Saturday. My graduation party is Saturday, so the house-cleaning starts today. The menu is set, all that needs to be done is the grocery shopping and a trip to BevMo.
The weather has been weird. Rain, gloom, clouds. It will probably turn sunny as soon as we leave for NYC.
Lots to do today. Jessica and I are getting haircuts, plus Andrew needs water shoes for Saturday. My graduation party is Saturday, so the house-cleaning starts today. The menu is set, all that needs to be done is the grocery shopping and a trip to BevMo.
The weather has been weird. Rain, gloom, clouds. It will probably turn sunny as soon as we leave for NYC.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Missing Alaska
When I read my various cousins' BLOG and FB postings about the beautiful weather Alaska is having I miss it something fierce. Even though I live in a temperate climate that allows me to enjoy outside activities all year round, there is something to be said for the splendor of Alaskan mountains and daylight visiting hours until 11pm. Maybe it's family that I'm missing, or at least that sense of connectedness one can only have around relations. Whatever it is, it's in Alaska.
It's early am on Friday. Jessica's surgery day. We are all prepped with ice cream, pudding, mashed potatoes, and plenty of pain medication. After her surgery I have some classwork to do, hopefully finishing all the requirements of one class today. I have my ticket for Sex & the City tonight at 7pm. Haven't thought of what appetizer to bring to the pre-party. Usually I have options on hand, but I've been too busy to think about it. Plus with the yucky weather we're having I don't want to do anything but be a bump on a log. Sunday we're going to a graduation open house,and on Sunday evening we're going to the Sammy Hagar/Heart concert. Should be fun.
It's early am on Friday. Jessica's surgery day. We are all prepped with ice cream, pudding, mashed potatoes, and plenty of pain medication. After her surgery I have some classwork to do, hopefully finishing all the requirements of one class today. I have my ticket for Sex & the City tonight at 7pm. Haven't thought of what appetizer to bring to the pre-party. Usually I have options on hand, but I've been too busy to think about it. Plus with the yucky weather we're having I don't want to do anything but be a bump on a log. Sunday we're going to a graduation open house,and on Sunday evening we're going to the Sammy Hagar/Heart concert. Should be fun.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Today went well. I still have one more week left. My last two finals are on Saturday, then I can breathe a sigh of relief. My history professor gave the invocation at Commencement today. It was nice to meet him (weird thing about online classes, no face-to-face meeting of students or professors). We connected using cell phones. Another great thing about allows us to connect in ways previously not possible.
After the ceremony we came home for a bit, then picked up Andrew from NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training). He had two weekends in a row of training, but it is a fantastic program, and will most likely help him get a job next summer (he wants to work as a counselor at BS camp).
The series finale of Lost is on tonight. Everything seems to be coming to an end, or actually, crashing to an end. We go, go, go for months, then Bam! It all ends. My first priority is to pick up Lord of the Rings. It's been a while since I read it. Joe gave me a new copy for Christmas, but I just haven't had the time. I have my next two quilts planned out, but I think I'm going to wait on those until we come back from the East Coast, at the end of June. It is not a good idea to leave projects out for the cat to get into. The weirdest thing is the weather. Normally we have had many 80 and 90 degree days, with a 100 day thrown in there. It barely hit 70 today, and is supposed to rain two days this week. Bah!
Before the ceremony

Accepting the "diploma"
(the real one comes in the mail in July)

Walking across the stage
After the ceremony we came home for a bit, then picked up Andrew from NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training). He had two weekends in a row of training, but it is a fantastic program, and will most likely help him get a job next summer (he wants to work as a counselor at BS camp).
The series finale of Lost is on tonight. Everything seems to be coming to an end, or actually, crashing to an end. We go, go, go for months, then Bam! It all ends. My first priority is to pick up Lord of the Rings. It's been a while since I read it. Joe gave me a new copy for Christmas, but I just haven't had the time. I have my next two quilts planned out, but I think I'm going to wait on those until we come back from the East Coast, at the end of June. It is not a good idea to leave projects out for the cat to get into. The weirdest thing is the weather. Normally we have had many 80 and 90 degree days, with a 100 day thrown in there. It barely hit 70 today, and is supposed to rain two days this week. Bah!
Before the ceremony
Accepting the "diploma"
(the real one comes in the mail in July)
Walking across the stage
Friday, May 21, 2010
Facing the End...
Friday and Monday are vacation days for me. I've decided not to stress about the work that needs to be done the last week of school, which is why I'm off. It's much easier to write when the house is quiet, so today and Monday that is what I'll be doing. Saturday is Joe's birthday, but since it's going to rain we probably won't do much. After commencement on Sunday we are taking the kids out for a joint birthday/graduation celebration. I have to work next Tuesday and Wednesday, but that's it. It will be weird turning my keys in, I have never done that before.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Life in the Stolzman house...
Saturday mornings are my favorite time of the week. After I finish the paper I walk over to the computer with my coffee, check FB and various BLOGs. Sticky notes line my computer with deeds needing to be done. Today's sticky note (they are labeled by day of week) says History-quiz and edit essays, I.S.-edit paper, and finally, library- Andrew's book.
Andrew started a series in his Academic Literacy class at school. He has 2 books left and is no longer able to check out books from the school library. Anticipating this, we requested them from the local public library. The call came yesterday to pick them up. He is camping this weekend with his Boy Scout troop so I'm going to head over there to get them. No real hardship for me, because I love the library. Especially the brand new library with the BRAND NEW books that is a mile from our house.
For questions about what an Academic Literacy class is...
His high school has a block schedule, meaning 4 classes a day, 90 minutes a class. They have classes for 9 weeks then switch. After another nine weeks they switch back to the original classes. To supplement the English program every 9th and 10th grade student has a 'floating block' English class, which gives them English for 27 weeks. They read, write reports, discuss books, learn how to do research...basically the class fills in the gaps the regular English class leaves. I love his teacher and she loves books. Any teacher that can get my son interested in books is the best teacher in the world!
After I dropped Andrew off for his BS camping trip (looks weird when I use initials) Jessica and I hit the mall. She needed a dress to wear when she helps at senior awards night and graduation. Plus, as ASB president she'll be attending school district board meetings and needed a nice blouse to wear with black pants. It has been a challenge to purchase dresses in the past (she hates them) but Macy's always has a good selection. She picked out a super-cute orange sundress with lace detail, and a very nice white blouse. Of course neither was on sale, but they fit and look good (besides after an hour and a half I'm ready to leave, no matter what it costs).
Every single flower is blooming in my back yard and it's supposed to be 83 today. Perfect! At 8 am Joe and I are heading out, with the dog, for our usual Saturday morning 7 1/2 mile course. Any later than that and it will be too hot.
Wonder what I should do after I get my work done??
Andrew started a series in his Academic Literacy class at school. He has 2 books left and is no longer able to check out books from the school library. Anticipating this, we requested them from the local public library. The call came yesterday to pick them up. He is camping this weekend with his Boy Scout troop so I'm going to head over there to get them. No real hardship for me, because I love the library. Especially the brand new library with the BRAND NEW books that is a mile from our house.
For questions about what an Academic Literacy class is...
His high school has a block schedule, meaning 4 classes a day, 90 minutes a class. They have classes for 9 weeks then switch. After another nine weeks they switch back to the original classes. To supplement the English program every 9th and 10th grade student has a 'floating block' English class, which gives them English for 27 weeks. They read, write reports, discuss books, learn how to do research...basically the class fills in the gaps the regular English class leaves. I love his teacher and she loves books. Any teacher that can get my son interested in books is the best teacher in the world!
After I dropped Andrew off for his BS camping trip (looks weird when I use initials) Jessica and I hit the mall. She needed a dress to wear when she helps at senior awards night and graduation. Plus, as ASB president she'll be attending school district board meetings and needed a nice blouse to wear with black pants. It has been a challenge to purchase dresses in the past (she hates them) but Macy's always has a good selection. She picked out a super-cute orange sundress with lace detail, and a very nice white blouse. Of course neither was on sale, but they fit and look good (besides after an hour and a half I'm ready to leave, no matter what it costs).
Every single flower is blooming in my back yard and it's supposed to be 83 today. Perfect! At 8 am Joe and I are heading out, with the dog, for our usual Saturday morning 7 1/2 mile course. Any later than that and it will be too hot.
Wonder what I should do after I get my work done??
Friday, May 7, 2010
Almost there...
Three weeks until I am completely finished with my coursework. Memorial weekend is the ending point. My degree course project is started, and my reading is on track. I'm beginning to breathe a little easier....
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I'm working on it...
I am plagued with the disease of good intentions. Blogging is on the list of what I'd like to do more of, but it doesn't seem to be happening. Sounding like a broken record when I say, again, that I just haven't had the time! The joke at our house is that by Memorial Weekend my life will come to a crashing halt. I will be done with school (the one I attend) and with school (the one where I work). It's hard to believe that in six weeks I will be completely done with my undergraduate coursework. The summer is set aside for being a mom again, relaxing with Joe, hanging out with friends, and planning my next move.
Anyway, I just have to get through the next little bit. It's hard to be optimistic when the weather is dreary and raining. What's with that? Usually we're swimming this time of year, not turning the heat on.
I can hear Glee! is on in the other room. Have to run...
Anyway, I just have to get through the next little bit. It's hard to be optimistic when the weather is dreary and raining. What's with that? Usually we're swimming this time of year, not turning the heat on.
I can hear Glee! is on in the other room. Have to run...
Monday, April 5, 2010
Tootin' my own horn!
California law requires teachers to pass an examination in the subject matter they want to teach, proving proficiency in order to be allowed to teach. Different tests for different subject matters. I took the Multiple Subject test(required for elementary school and special education) which is comprised of three parts. Passing all three parts allows me to enter into a teacher credentialing program. Like most other academic tests it was very long, and I chose to take all three subsets at once. I found out today that I passed all three subsets (very hard to do on the first try, most don't accomplish this). Yeah for me!!!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Feeling yucky and it's raining...
Last week I had the A/C on in the I'm back wearing flannel pajamas. I wish Mother Earth would make up her mind about spring. 80 percent chance of rain today, thunderstorms tomorrow, and 25 percent chance of rain the rest of the week. Of course that doesn't mean it will rain, but whatever...
My sinuses are all clogged up, plus I'm (at times) hacking up a lung. I dislike those illnesses that make it uncomfortable to function yet you can still function. Does that make sense? I'm not in bed, just feeling yucky!
So, nothing on my spring break list gets done due to rain. My windows are so atrociously dirty....they will have to wait a week or two. I did get a new fern planted and some white bocapa. Much more to do though.
Jessica's appointment for wisdom teeth removal is the Friday of Memorial weekend. Trying to figure out a schedule to have that done was horrendous. The Dr. is a reservist and will be gone for a few weeks, plus he has two offices and we would like to have the surgery done at the closer office. In addition, we had to work around Jessica's SAT subject tests, ACT tests, and STAR testing. So, it was decided to have them out after school is over. I'm hoping the swelling and bruising are gone before we go to NYC.
Camping season has begun for Andrew's Boy Scout troop. Plus, they have at least one major hike planned a month. He told me he will start planning his Eagle Project this summer, to be completed around this time next year. He's motivated because we told him no driver's license or job until the project is completed, and that is one boy who wants to drive. All he talks about his cars...and his favorite new tv show is called World's Most Expensive Rides.
Joe is going to work today, but will be off starting tomorrow. Even with the rain I'm sure I can find a few spring cleaning chores for him to do :-)
My sinuses are all clogged up, plus I'm (at times) hacking up a lung. I dislike those illnesses that make it uncomfortable to function yet you can still function. Does that make sense? I'm not in bed, just feeling yucky!
So, nothing on my spring break list gets done due to rain. My windows are so atrociously dirty....they will have to wait a week or two. I did get a new fern planted and some white bocapa. Much more to do though.
Jessica's appointment for wisdom teeth removal is the Friday of Memorial weekend. Trying to figure out a schedule to have that done was horrendous. The Dr. is a reservist and will be gone for a few weeks, plus he has two offices and we would like to have the surgery done at the closer office. In addition, we had to work around Jessica's SAT subject tests, ACT tests, and STAR testing. So, it was decided to have them out after school is over. I'm hoping the swelling and bruising are gone before we go to NYC.
Camping season has begun for Andrew's Boy Scout troop. Plus, they have at least one major hike planned a month. He told me he will start planning his Eagle Project this summer, to be completed around this time next year. He's motivated because we told him no driver's license or job until the project is completed, and that is one boy who wants to drive. All he talks about his cars...and his favorite new tv show is called World's Most Expensive Rides.
Joe is going to work today, but will be off starting tomorrow. Even with the rain I'm sure I can find a few spring cleaning chores for him to do :-)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Spring Break!
Yeah! A whole week off from school and work. This last week we have been experiencing the kind of weather that makes me love living in Northern California...high 60's, low 70's, perfectly slightly breezy days...just beautiful! However, two new storms are supposed to swamp the region starting Tuesday. It figures. I don't think of my self as naturally pessimistic, but that's how it seems to be rolling for me lately.
The principal handed me my pink slip yesterday, although I knew it was coming. I'll miss the people I work with as well as some of the students. I have to say, though, I'm looking forward to working less hours with little kids who are nice and sweet. I might be bored to death, but I think overall it will be a good change.
So, what am I going to do with all my free time? First, I'm going to take the summer off from my schoolwork to re-evaluate the direction I am heading in. The last six months I have questioned the end result, and now I'm handed the perfect opportunity to take the time to decide exactly what it is I want. It's funny, though, I'm almost 42 and still trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up. Second, I'm going to get my sewing machine out (in June) and finish a quilt top that's been sitting for a year and a half, and two hand bags that have been around for a year!
I'm taking the kids up to the mall today. Jessica needs some dress slacks and nice blouse for job/college interviews. Plus, as ASB President she will be heading to the school district office at least once a month and she needs to look nice. I think we'll stop at the Loft and Macy's. They have beautiful clothes for petite women. Andrew is just growing out of everything. I can't keep up with that kid! At least his shoe size has stabilized for this brief moment in time. Joe will stay home and clean his office (do you blame him?). We won't be gone long.
The principal handed me my pink slip yesterday, although I knew it was coming. I'll miss the people I work with as well as some of the students. I have to say, though, I'm looking forward to working less hours with little kids who are nice and sweet. I might be bored to death, but I think overall it will be a good change.
So, what am I going to do with all my free time? First, I'm going to take the summer off from my schoolwork to re-evaluate the direction I am heading in. The last six months I have questioned the end result, and now I'm handed the perfect opportunity to take the time to decide exactly what it is I want. It's funny, though, I'm almost 42 and still trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up. Second, I'm going to get my sewing machine out (in June) and finish a quilt top that's been sitting for a year and a half, and two hand bags that have been around for a year!
I'm taking the kids up to the mall today. Jessica needs some dress slacks and nice blouse for job/college interviews. Plus, as ASB President she will be heading to the school district office at least once a month and she needs to look nice. I think we'll stop at the Loft and Macy's. They have beautiful clothes for petite women. Andrew is just growing out of everything. I can't keep up with that kid! At least his shoe size has stabilized for this brief moment in time. Joe will stay home and clean his office (do you blame him?). We won't be gone long.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Wonderful weekend!
Okay, so there's not so much wonderful going on...but it will be in the low 70's with nary a cloud in sight!!
To my chagrin, the six page art paper has not written itself yet. All the esp I'm using is not working :-( I guess I will just have to put pen to paper soon. At least I have a week, the problem is the weather. How can I possibly stay inside and write when I want to be outside doing absolutely nothing?
Counting the days to Spring Break! One more week, then an actual WEEK OFF. No work, no school, all nothing. Those are the kind of weeks I like!! Of course the not-so-silent pessimist in me thinks it will probably rain the one week I have nothing to do. Oh well, that means one week of non-stop reading (see? I win either way).
Jessica has Junior Prom tomorrow night. I'm hoping to have pictures to post.
Okay, I'm done for the night. My brain needs a break from thinking....
To my chagrin, the six page art paper has not written itself yet. All the esp I'm using is not working :-( I guess I will just have to put pen to paper soon. At least I have a week, the problem is the weather. How can I possibly stay inside and write when I want to be outside doing absolutely nothing?
Counting the days to Spring Break! One more week, then an actual WEEK OFF. No work, no school, all nothing. Those are the kind of weeks I like!! Of course the not-so-silent pessimist in me thinks it will probably rain the one week I have nothing to do. Oh well, that means one week of non-stop reading (see? I win either way).
Jessica has Junior Prom tomorrow night. I'm hoping to have pictures to post.
Okay, I'm done for the night. My brain needs a break from thinking....
Sunday, March 14, 2010
And Life Goes On....
I found out for sure that I will be laid off at the end of the school year. It's a bummer to be sure, but I have the option to go back to my old job. It's only three hours a day with no benefits, but I liked working with the younger kids and had a fantastic boss.
I have a few other options that aren't so great. One is unemployment, which seems weird. I really liked being at home with the kids, but the kids aren't really at home any more, and I don't want to be either.
Another option is to become a full-inclusion aide working with high-needs children, such as those with down syndrome or in wheelchairs. The problem is that you never know who you will have to work with, and it can change almost daily. I might be stepping on someone's toes here, but I don't want to change diapers of teenagers or wipe noses of constantly sick kids. Not my cup of tea.
The last option is to work with emotionally disturbed kids. So not want to do this. I work with these kids on a limited basis now and find it utterly exhausting and frustrating.
My favorite option is to slide back into my old position. It's funny because after I left a good friend took a job there, then another friend, plus two more after them, so it's not like I'm walking into a situation where I don't know anyone. And, more importantly, I left on good terms (no burning bridges). I just wanted a change.
The very best news is that I won't be rushed anymore, and will have boatloads of more time. I love that!
On a different, but more interesting, note...I love how Joe knows me so well he is able to verbalize the internal workings of my mind in a way that I am unable to.
I have a few other options that aren't so great. One is unemployment, which seems weird. I really liked being at home with the kids, but the kids aren't really at home any more, and I don't want to be either.
Another option is to become a full-inclusion aide working with high-needs children, such as those with down syndrome or in wheelchairs. The problem is that you never know who you will have to work with, and it can change almost daily. I might be stepping on someone's toes here, but I don't want to change diapers of teenagers or wipe noses of constantly sick kids. Not my cup of tea.
The last option is to work with emotionally disturbed kids. So not want to do this. I work with these kids on a limited basis now and find it utterly exhausting and frustrating.
My favorite option is to slide back into my old position. It's funny because after I left a good friend took a job there, then another friend, plus two more after them, so it's not like I'm walking into a situation where I don't know anyone. And, more importantly, I left on good terms (no burning bridges). I just wanted a change.
The very best news is that I won't be rushed anymore, and will have boatloads of more time. I love that!
On a different, but more interesting, note...I love how Joe knows me so well he is able to verbalize the internal workings of my mind in a way that I am unable to.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Almost spring...
The trees have been flowering and some already have little green buds. I love this time of year in Sacramento. Bailey and I went for a four mile run after work. It was just the perfect mix of sun and breeze. Loved it! Next Monday is supposed to be 72. This means I will be putting away my warmest winter sweaters and pulling out some summer stuff.
Jessica takes the SAT on Saturday and I take the CSET. Busy day for both of us. Spring break can't get here fast enough...I really need a break!
Jessica takes the SAT on Saturday and I take the CSET. Busy day for both of us. Spring break can't get here fast enough...I really need a break!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Life in General
As I contemplate the probable loss of my job the stress I've been feeling for the last year and a half is actually lifted. I set off on a journey to fulfill what has been one of my dreams, to finish my undergraduate degree. Now that I am near the end of my undergraduate degree choices are upon me that need to be made. What kind of credential should I work toward? Should I try for an internship? Should I keep my current job and at some point quit to do my student teaching? Should I combine my masters degree with the credential? Do I really want to do this at all?
The natural progression seems to have me heading towards a teaching credential. While I do believe I am made for the classroom I have reservations about the timing. Fortuitous it is that now it's quite possible I will be laid off. Then the questions increase tenfold. Most likely I will be able to slide seamlessly back into the position I had before this one. Three hours a day with no benefits. Loss of benefits are fine, Joe has them, but I've been working with one mindset for so long that now when this is thrown into the mix it adds a dimension I just don't want to think about.
One of my mental blocks is the fact that Jessica will be a senior in high school next year. The last year she will live at I really want to be working full time and going to school full time? I can easily answer that 'NO', but part of me says to not stop. The last time I stopped it took me four years to start back up again, but I must remember I only get one shot at this job called parenting.
This is not to say I won't continue, I might, but it makes me reconsider my previous decisions. Maybe I should be looking at this probably layoff as a blessing in disguise. Just think, more time to clean the house, go to the grocery store, exercise, maybe sew, and....more time to do homework.
What if I'm one of those people addicted to school? We all know them, they seem to always be going yet never accomplishing anything. I think I just have to much being thrown at me right now, that making an effective decision is almost impossible.
Can it be my time while it's still their time?
The natural progression seems to have me heading towards a teaching credential. While I do believe I am made for the classroom I have reservations about the timing. Fortuitous it is that now it's quite possible I will be laid off. Then the questions increase tenfold. Most likely I will be able to slide seamlessly back into the position I had before this one. Three hours a day with no benefits. Loss of benefits are fine, Joe has them, but I've been working with one mindset for so long that now when this is thrown into the mix it adds a dimension I just don't want to think about.
One of my mental blocks is the fact that Jessica will be a senior in high school next year. The last year she will live at I really want to be working full time and going to school full time? I can easily answer that 'NO', but part of me says to not stop. The last time I stopped it took me four years to start back up again, but I must remember I only get one shot at this job called parenting.
This is not to say I won't continue, I might, but it makes me reconsider my previous decisions. Maybe I should be looking at this probably layoff as a blessing in disguise. Just think, more time to clean the house, go to the grocery store, exercise, maybe sew, and....more time to do homework.
What if I'm one of those people addicted to school? We all know them, they seem to always be going yet never accomplishing anything. I think I just have to much being thrown at me right now, that making an effective decision is almost impossible.
Can it be my time while it's still their time?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Early in the morning...
The coffee is hot but the paper is not here, so I'm taking the opportunity to check my FB page and update myself on what everyone else is doing.
Busy week as always, made even busier by w omen's soccer season starting. Two games a week for the next two months. The part I love about this soccer season vs. Men's soccer season is that we start the season in the cold and end in the hot. There is hope for all you snowbound people.
The flowering trees are budding and the days are slightly longer. This is my favorite time of year in Sacramento.
Bailey is barking, that means the paper is here. Got to run!
Busy week as always, made even busier by w omen's soccer season starting. Two games a week for the next two months. The part I love about this soccer season vs. Men's soccer season is that we start the season in the cold and end in the hot. There is hope for all you snowbound people.
The flowering trees are budding and the days are slightly longer. This is my favorite time of year in Sacramento.
Bailey is barking, that means the paper is here. Got to run!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Wow, this must be a record!
Three posts in one day? I'm on a roll.
Let's see...I"m done with my homework for this brief period of time. I'm ignoring the dust bunnies on the floor (at least the laundry is done). The sun is shining and the dog needs a run. Perhaps I'll even get to a movie later today.
BTW--Saw Avatar last weekend, in 3D. Wow! What a movie. If you haven't seen it in 3D go see it (I mean you Mom)!
Let's see...I"m done with my homework for this brief period of time. I'm ignoring the dust bunnies on the floor (at least the laundry is done). The sun is shining and the dog needs a run. Perhaps I'll even get to a movie later today.
BTW--Saw Avatar last weekend, in 3D. Wow! What a movie. If you haven't seen it in 3D go see it (I mean you Mom)!
Random Stuff
It's a small world after all....
So, last night I'm at this Valentine's party at a friend's house. Someone says "Hey Julie, this guy is from Alaska too". How many times have I heard that? Of course they always think if you've lived in Alaska then you know everyone else that's ever lived there too. This time, however, I did know him (well, I couldn't remember him but he remembered me). We went to the same Jr. High and High School, and were in the same class. We remembered a bunch of the same people.
As I reconnect with some old friends on Facebook I'm constantly reminded that our world is shrinking. I can reach out and touch someone (sorry phone company) easier than I have ever been able to before. Love it!!
As I reconnect with some old friends on Facebook I'm constantly reminded that our world is shrinking. I can reach out and touch someone (sorry phone company) easier than I have ever been able to before. Love it!!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Busy Saturday!
As Andrew is icing his wrist waiting for me to make him pancakes I am running the list through my head of all the things I have to do today. My Child Development class ends today and all I have to do is a quick quiz and turn in my paper. The paper is done but the conclusion is rough and needs some work. Then there is some housework that needs to be done.
Andrew is done wrestling for the season because of his sprained wrist. He had x-rays from three vantage points and it doesn't look like there are any bone chips. This is a precaution since the location of the sprain is at his growth plate. It still hurts him quite a bit, although he doesn't seem to be overly upset about missing the daily 3 hour wrestling practice.
Joe is driving Andrew to San Leandro today (2 hour drive) for the CIT interview which only lasts 15 minutes. The price we parents pay to ensure our sons get out of the house for TWO solid weeks in the summer. In addition to working at camp for two weeks he is planning on going as a camper for one week. YES!!
The elections for ASB are Monday and Tuesday. Jessica should know by Friday if she won. If she didn't win then she will be appointed Vice President, although she said she does not want that job, she would rather be ASB publicist again.
Later today I'll take Jessica shopping for a "nice" outfit for a presentation she has this coming week. Oh, they joy of shopping with that kid (sarcasm).
Andrew is done wrestling for the season because of his sprained wrist. He had x-rays from three vantage points and it doesn't look like there are any bone chips. This is a precaution since the location of the sprain is at his growth plate. It still hurts him quite a bit, although he doesn't seem to be overly upset about missing the daily 3 hour wrestling practice.
Joe is driving Andrew to San Leandro today (2 hour drive) for the CIT interview which only lasts 15 minutes. The price we parents pay to ensure our sons get out of the house for TWO solid weeks in the summer. In addition to working at camp for two weeks he is planning on going as a camper for one week. YES!!
The elections for ASB are Monday and Tuesday. Jessica should know by Friday if she won. If she didn't win then she will be appointed Vice President, although she said she does not want that job, she would rather be ASB publicist again.
Later today I'll take Jessica shopping for a "nice" outfit for a presentation she has this coming week. Oh, they joy of shopping with that kid (sarcasm).
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
What I'm doing instead of doing something else...
What does that mean???
The pages are spread out in front of me, the research is accessible on the computer, and I am totally not at all motivated to continue with this paper. What is it about me that makes it hard to write unless I'm in "the zone"? Actually, writing comes pretty easy for me, and now that I've written a bazillion, gazillion papers this last year a measly 5 pager is no big deal...but it's the first one I've written since my dad died and I find my heart's just not in it.
I suppose it's natural to have some introspection after the death of a parent. I think I'm just looking at life a little different realizing the fact that it's much shorter than I want it to be. I know I went through this phase after Greg died, but I had two small children then and didn't really have the time I do now for the meandering thoughts that wander through my consciousness.
Life continues. Andrew sprained his wrist about a week ago and hasn't been practicing since then. He might be able to wrestle in the tournament this weekend, but it's not looking that good right now. He might not have enough points to qualify for a varsity letter this year. Since he's only in 9th grade it's not the end of the world (although don't tell him that).
Jessica is about ready to start her campaign for ASB president. She's running against the girl she lost to in the 8th grade class presidency race. She just signed up for the SAT's and will have them done by summer. Now, what to do this summer? We told her that if she decided not to continue with the Girl Scout CIT program (which is almost 6 weeks) then she would have to get a job.
We've been deluged with rain and high winds the last few days, and can expect that trend to continue for the next 3 days at least. That means a serious chance of flooding for some areas. At least we don't ever lose our power.
The pages are spread out in front of me, the research is accessible on the computer, and I am totally not at all motivated to continue with this paper. What is it about me that makes it hard to write unless I'm in "the zone"? Actually, writing comes pretty easy for me, and now that I've written a bazillion, gazillion papers this last year a measly 5 pager is no big deal...but it's the first one I've written since my dad died and I find my heart's just not in it.
I suppose it's natural to have some introspection after the death of a parent. I think I'm just looking at life a little different realizing the fact that it's much shorter than I want it to be. I know I went through this phase after Greg died, but I had two small children then and didn't really have the time I do now for the meandering thoughts that wander through my consciousness.
Life continues. Andrew sprained his wrist about a week ago and hasn't been practicing since then. He might be able to wrestle in the tournament this weekend, but it's not looking that good right now. He might not have enough points to qualify for a varsity letter this year. Since he's only in 9th grade it's not the end of the world (although don't tell him that).
Jessica is about ready to start her campaign for ASB president. She's running against the girl she lost to in the 8th grade class presidency race. She just signed up for the SAT's and will have them done by summer. Now, what to do this summer? We told her that if she decided not to continue with the Girl Scout CIT program (which is almost 6 weeks) then she would have to get a job.
We've been deluged with rain and high winds the last few days, and can expect that trend to continue for the next 3 days at least. That means a serious chance of flooding for some areas. At least we don't ever lose our power.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Out of the loop...
Today is my first day back after being gone for three weeks. It seems like forever, probably because my time away spanned Christmas and New Years. Dad's illness was fairly quick, and his death was peaceful. I left Alaska knowing that mom would be alright.
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