Saturday, May 30, 2009

Lazy Afternoon!

It's been a while since I've had a lazy afternoon. I decided to put housecleaning off until Wednesday, since Marie comes on Thursday. It just doesn't make sense to do it twice. I took my final this morning and turned my last paper in. This class was so much work. I wonder what the next one will entail. It's a research/writing class. The used book I ordered from Amazon has not arrived yet and I ordered it 10 days ago. I just heard from the seller, and they were sick, so they shipped it priority today. I hope I will have it Tuesday, which puts me only one day behind. The biology class with lab starts on the 8th and I will go pick up my book for that on Wednesday.

The kids are currently making dinner. They do that once in a while. It is good for them to open the fridge and pantry, then try to make a meal of what is there. Right now they are doing pre-dinner dishwashing. I love that they are in the kitchen together, working to make something for us all to eat. It really beats going out, on so many levels. And while the kids are in the kitchen I poured Joe and I each a glass of my favorite Zin from a local winery. 7 deadly Zins is the name of it, from Lodi, California. If you have the opportunity to pick it up I would urge you to do so. We are taking Marie wine tasting to Amador county when she comes. It's been two years since I've gone there so I'm looking forward to it.

We had good news from the orthodontist this week. Jessica gets her braces off on July 2nd, and Andrew probably will have his off in August or September. Jessica is very excited because she's been going to the orthodontist since 4th grade. She has one of those mouths where anything that could happen...did.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sorry, no pictures...

Well, I got busy and have no pictures to show for it. I was able to knock out my paper on Saturday morning and have it turned in, on time, Sunday. I just read the last 3 chapters in my psychology book. I have one paper left, due Saturday, plus a final. I hope I make it through this class. Part of the problem is the instructor is using a new text book and did not make changes to the class syllabus, slide shows, homework assignments and is very confusing. Plus, she has not answered emails in a timely manner. Each day of class in the online format is equal to nine days of a regular semester class. Not answering emails for three days is not acceptable when the class moves so quickly. I did hear from other students in the class and we are all in agreement, this instructor does not get a good review from us. I already filled out my end of class survey and she did not score very high.

Anyway, after I read my chapters (I was outside), Joe brought me a daiquiri made with fresh strawberries. It was so good, and went right to my head. He is grilling pork loin for dinner, with fresh asparagus and a pasta salad I made this morning. Yum!

Andrew made it into the CIT program at Boy Scout camp. He will attend with his troop from June 29-July 4. He will be home for two weeks and then go back as a counselor-in-training from July 19-Aug 2. It should be good for him. He is really hoping to work with the younger boys at the shotgun clinic or with the horses. He and I are volunteering with Project Ride in Elk Grove. They are an organization that provides horseback rides to people with disabilities. We are both sidewalkers and I will also be a horse leader. Of course I'm doing this in my spare time????

8 more days of school for the kids, 6 for me. I'm taking Thursday off to write my paper and then I'm off on June 4th for Andrew's promotion ceremony (he's going to be a high schooler next year). His promotion is at 7:30 in the morning and we'll be done by 9 am. Then we are off to pick up Marie at the airport in SF. She'll be here for 4 days. Yeah!! I'll definitely take pictures and post them.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Plans for today...

It is going to be a beautiful day. Approximately 85 degrees out, and the last thing I want to do is write a 5 page psych paper. Alas, it is due on Sunday so it must be done. I think I will knock it out today, early morning, so I can enjoy the rest of the day. The problem is, I would like to get a run in before it gets too hot, and my car is so dirty I can barely see through the windshield. I think Andrew might be earning some extra cash by washing my car (I refuse to pay a professional place), in addition to his yard duties. I'll probably do my exercise because that cannot be done any other time and the paper can be done this afternoon. We are going to an Eagle Court of Honor Sunday afternoon which means we have to allocate the things we do today accordingly. I wish the professor had made the paper due on Monday, I hate these middle of the weekend things. The one drawback of online education.

Usually we go to Monterey this weekend. Really, one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. We did not plan much because of the strike threat. It has not happened yet,maybe today. Joe would have to work 12 hour days, 7 days a week, for the first 3 weeks, then they would start getting one day off (of course this is without compensation because he is a salaried employee). During the last strike, 5 years ago, one of his colleagues did not show up for his strike assignment and was told not to come back. The outcome of this "stand" will set precedence for the rest of AT&T contracts across the country that are coming due in the next year. AT&T has given their "best and final offer", so we'll see what happens.

In case you cannot tell, Joe is not a union employee, he has to work in case of a strike, or what will probably happen...a lockout of union employees. At least their proposed contract called for a raise which managers did not get this year.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Sorry I have not written anything for a while. I'm swamped with kid activities and my own schoolwork. Jessica and Andrew have until June 4th, and the class I'm taking now is over on May 30th. I'm not whining, just explaining, when I say I literally did not go to the grocery store for over 12 days. Who has time to run errands all day? And the grocery store is only 2+ miles down the street. Sometimes, I just don't know if I am coming or going.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Star Trek

Run, don't walk to this movie! Excellent, the best yet.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Did I mention...?

I found out yesterday that I passed the CBEST. That stands for California something something something. It's the test, recognized by many states, that has to be passed in order to enter a teacher preparation program or substitute in a classroom. I still have to take one more test that I've heard is a killer, but I have one year in which to pass all five sections. They offer it every other month so I'll probably sign up for July.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sickness in our house!

The chest x-ray Joe had today showed a large spot of pneumonia. He has been sick for well over 10 days now, and after his second trip to Kaiser finally got some serious antibiotics. He was home for 4 days last week and will grace the bedroom with his ongoing presence for another 7 at least. Of course the first thing I thought of was "Oh great, now I have to do everything!" Then the guilt kicked in...With the exception of two Boy Scout meetings I have to drive for, this week is fairly light on activities. I know he's hoping to be well enough to go see Star Trek on Friday. If not, then I'll concede Mother's Day and we can go then.

On a side Psychology class started today. I don't know what I was thinking! It's a 400 level Grad class. I hope I can BS my way though 4 papers with a total of 17 pages. OMG!!! Breathe, Julie, Breathe. One step at a time.