Sunday, August 23, 2009

It's been a while...

I can't believe it's been two weeks since I've blogged. This past week was super busy! I'd forgotten how much time a job actually takes :) Plus, my current class is winding up and there always seems to be a lot of work the last week of any class. Still, it's been interesting so far. I would much rather have an interesting class with a lot of work than a boring class with no work.

The school year started smooth with no major hiccups. Andrew is swamped this term with Honors English 9, Honors Biology, World Geography and French 1. Jessica has only one core class this term, AP World History, plus two electives and ASB.

Rec soccer has begun practicing and Jessica has been driving herself (yes!). Andrew is trying out for the high school JV men's soccer team. I think he finds out this week if he makes it (he should, there are only about 15 boys trying out).

We had a very mild day today. Kind of odd for Sacramento at the end of August to have a day that is only in the low 80's. Not complaining though!

Joe moved some stuff around in his office and then spent the afternoon re-organizing a bunch of stuff. This might be a two weekend project. The garbage and recycle cans are full, good thing they are picked up tomorrow.

These are our good friends Scott, Karena, and Eva at a Friday night concert with us.

Joe at a concert on Friday, August 14th.

Friday night concert at Laguna Town Hall. It was hot!

Jessica and Andrew Friday night at Laguna Town Hall. They lasted one hour and went home bored. What you don't see is dueling texting happening.

These are our good friends Scott and Tricia...

and their kids Justin and Madeline...

and Joe and I at a concert on Friday, August 14th.

Ok, going to check my Facebook page and get lunch stuff ready for school tomorrow.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

And early it is...

The first number on the clock this morning was a 4. I hate those kind of mornings. The wind was blowing a blind around in the living room and it woke me up. Now, at 6am, I'm on my second cup of coffee, already done some school work, and am gearing up for some reading.

I never did make it to Staples or to get Andrew's hair cut yesterday. Why is it that when I have less time I get more done? Andrew has an orthodontist appt. today, plus I have to go the grocery store. I guess I could stop at Target for the legal pads I need, it's in the same parking lot as Supercuts (where Andrew gets his haircut).

Friday morning me an Andrew are doing some volunteer work for Project Ride. We missed July since we were both busy. I love that I get to do this with him. Jessica is busy with Link Crew training and Academic Decathlon meetings.

The bell schedule at the high school has changed. It used to be that every Thursday school was out one hour early for staff development. This year school starts 1 1/2 hour later on on Thursdays. Of course the kids are excited, I would be too. Except, Thursdays were good days for local appts. because all the schools had different schedules and ours was the only one out early that day, which meant we didn't have to wait.

It's going to be windy today, only in the high 70's. Quite a bit cooler than normal. Plus, there is a chance for thunderstorms and rain. Love it!!

Our old fridge is leaving us today. We bought a new one two weeks ago when ours died one day. The funny thing is, when we came back from buying the new one, the old one was working again, but we've had problems with it so we decided to still get rid of it. Joe listed it on Craig's List and it sold right away. The lady already gave us a deposit and was waiting for escrow on her house to close before she picked it up. The new one is ok. It's a french door style which is not my favorite, but they are supposed to be super energy efficient.

Ok day, here I come!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Last two weeks of summer...

School starts on August 17th, which is also the day I go back to work. This summer has gone by so fast. Jessica and Andrew are now both home from camp. Yeah! Jessica has an ASB meeting today and Link Crew training for two days after that. Then on Monday is the actual 1st Link meeting with the freshmen (Andrew is hoping Jessica is his Link Leader, I don't know why).

Soccer practice started last night. I was so excited because Jessica was taking herself. Since she had just gotten home from camp (20 min previously), she was just going too talk to the coach. She calls us from the parking lot...they had closed and locked the gates and she was stuck in the lot. Another parent with four wheel drive just drove over the curb, but Jessica is driving the little car and can't do that. So, dad is off to the rescue. He gets the car out of the lot and they both head home! So much for her "first" driving trip to the school.

Joe and I picked Andrew up from camp on Sunday, then drove approx. 1 hour into the city to the de Young museum. The King Tut exhibit is making its rounds and is currently on the west coast through March. It was a great exhibit. No photography of any kind allowed so I don't have any pictures, but I did take some of this wonderful Dale Chihuly glass.

This next piece was very interesting. It was not titled, but should have one of "Irony". It was a church made out of gun sights, ammo, pistols, and one tooth. You can see the one tooth if you look closely. I think it was the most popular piece in the permanent exhibit, even more so than the O'Keefe or the Cassette.

If you plan on going to the de Young, buy your tickets online ahead of time.

I'm off to the treadmill and then some homework. Andrew needs his haircut today, plus I need legal pads from Staples (love that store!). Easy day.

Don't forget...scroll down to see the National Geographic picture of the day. Also, I added music to the blog at the bottom (don't know how to add it to the side) and if you scroll down it starts playing, plus you can choose the song you want to listen to.