Saturday, January 29, 2011

Great time to blog!

Saturday mornings with a cup of coffee in hand, sitting at the computer. Wow, does it get any better than this? (well, except for the three days I spent in sunny San Diego, no). As always, lots to do today, and somehow it all seems to revolve around Andrew. One haircut, signatures for Eagle project, swim team stuff to buy. Hopefully there's not much with the other kid.

I'm rethinking the half-marathon. Not because I don't feel I can run it, but because I'm having trouble putting the training schedule in place. In the last 7 months I have put into place a great workout routine that involves lifting weights, running, and walking. If I change it all around right now I fear it will be too hard to get back into. It seems silly, I know, but the previous 2 years, with full time school, really hit my workouts hard and I struggled to get them in. I don't want to jeopardize what I've worked so hard to regain.

I posted these on my FB page, so sorry for the repeat. This is for the few of you who are swearing of FB (really?).

Cathy, Lynda, Tricia, Julie
Taking a break from the conference to enjoy the sun!

Tricia and Lynda
Hospitality event at the EMHI conference (Early Mental Health Initiative)

Julie and Tricia
Hospitality event at the EMHI conference

Lynda, Tricia, Julie
Lunch at Buster's, overlooking the water. What you don't see are the aircraft carriers and military bases across the bay. Great sight!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

And it keeps on getting better....

There's this mysterious yellow orb in the sky. I'm not sure, but it might be the sun. Haven't seen it in a while, but I won't complain because 62 degrees is 62 degrees. We're heading out for our long Saturday morning walk (7.5 miles) and then home for some yard clean up. Rib-eye steaks are on the menu tonight, and will be so much better because Joe will cook them (outside) on the grill. Yum. Love that we live in a place that allows us outdoors opportunities (almost) all year.

I'll be finishing my latest sewing project today and will post pictures (maybe) tomorrow. It's a large tote bag. The only one I have (other than ugly grocery store ones) is a really pretty pink Ann Taylor bag, which I love (thanks Ruthann) but it doesn't go with everything.

I'm heading off to San Diego on Tuesday for a work conference. It's supposed to be 74 degrees while we're there, so a pedicure is a must this weekend.

Monday, January 17, 2011

just stuff....

It's MLK day, which means no school or mail. Having a day off work is nice. Joe was up early to drive Andrew to a wrestling meet that he's volunteering at (that's two volunteer days this weekend for him), and then it's off to work. Most private sector employees do not have this day off. So, on my day off....I want to look for new running shorts, the long kind that go over the knee. Plus I need to stop at Joann's. The quilt top and bottom are finished, ready to go to the quilters. If the fog burns off I'll see if I can arrange to meet a friend for lunch, where we can sit outside and enjoy the sun.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Call me crazy...

...but I think I just agreed to do a half marathon with Trish. Wow, I must have been out of my mind. Although this could be just the thing to get me past the winter blahs! I know I can do it, I LOVE challenges, and I'm a committed and consistent exerciser already...but 13 miles? Well, how hard can it be??? (rhetorical question, I really don't want to know. Got to keep my psyche up, you know).

Monday, January 10, 2011

Who am I to judge?

A conversation I had with my mom over the Christmas holiday resonated in my mind today. I saw a man with a sign, asking for money, which reminded me of my mom's story. She and a friend were solicited for money in a parking lot in the small town I grew up in. Not necessarily newsworthy here, people are on every freeway exit here, but notable in Eagle River, Alaska, where there is rarely evidence of a homeless person. In fact, my mom has lived in that area for over 50 years and this is the first time she has been asked for money. My mom and her friend both pulled out bills to give. I admonished her to not give money when it's asked for like that. It's not known what they will use it for, or if they even actually need it.'s not my money to have any say over. It's my mom's money and how she spends it is her decision. I'm so accustomed to not handing it over that it's my automatic response, in all cases. When I saw the man today, I ran through my charitable contributions in my mind. Am I giving enough? Does the money I give make it to need individuals (rather than administrative costs)? Could I do more? As I handed some cash to the guy on the street corner today, I did so without feeling guilty, and confident that the amount we give is just right for our family. Even with my hours cut in half, plus 10.5 furlough days, we still have a very nice life and don't have to worry about losing our home or the grocery bill. Not everyone can say the same. It's more important than ever that we give to those in need, with nary a thought to what it might be used for. A gift is a gift, and only the receiver gets to decide what it should be used for. A gift is not a gift when it comes with strings. I urge everyone to look around at who is asking for help, and who might need help but anonymously. Sometimes, time is what is need, or is all that can be given. We can all give something.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

...and here I sit.... the dining room table, coffee in hand. Someday I hope to have a dedicated computer space, such as a smallish desk in the kitchen. I don't like being cut off from the rest of the house so moving to one of the kid's downstairs bedroom (when they vacate) is not ideal. There is room in the corner of the kitchen, all it takes is money for the remodel (and isn't that always the case). Lately we've been having a short supply. My kids seem to be expensive, more so than any other kids I know, really. And it's not being spent on Abercrombie or Starbucks. I pay out for National Honor Society Dues, Boy Scout stuff, camping stuff, books from Borders (such as Crime & Punishment), and various other stuff that is deemed more necessity than want. We're happy to do it. I just point to the old minivan that they are embarrassed to drive and be seen in, and say "get used to it". Generally they don't complain. We have a good life and they know it!

Wow, that's a lot to say so early in the morning.

Andrew has his first behind-the-wheel driving instruction today (have to have at least 6 hrs in the State of California, over a six month period, in order to be eligible for a driving license), followed by a job interview that's 2 hours away (Boy Scout Camp), Jessica has a hair cut, the tankless hot water heater installation guy is coming to give us a bid, and I have three messy bathrooms. Oh yea, plus I have to repair some stitching on one of my quilts. Busy day for us!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What's with the resolutions?

Everyone is talking about their resolutions, but this year I'm choosing to ignore what they're saying. Really. If I promise to change something about myself I want it to be when I have more control, not when 'society' is proclaiming it's the thing to do!

On a related, but totally side note, I have too many "things" I have to keep track of. Related because I should make a resolution to cut something out, but a side note because I enjoy dabbling in these areas and have no intention of cutting them out.

Facebook, one cooking blog, one family blog, 4 simultaneous games of Words With Friends, plus all the other stuff I have to do. No wonder it's difficult to keep sometimes.

*although, (sneakily), if I had to had to make a resolution it would be to delve more into family meal planning, but since I'm not making resolutions this year we'll just pretend this last sentence doesn't exist*

Saturday, January 1, 2011

My least favorite time of year!

The rain, the wind, little sun, and the bareness of the trees, leaves me pining for spring. The smell of new dirt, flowers being planted, chicken cooked on the grill. Oh, I cannot wait! Why do we have to go through winter? I would love it if we could live in spring/summer all year!